6 Steps To Decluttering Your Closet Like a Pro

Organizing a closet

How to declutter your closet

Like most people, you probably have a closet full of clothes but can't seem to find anything to wear. So you find yourself googling 'How to declutter your closet' The good news is that you can do some simple things to declutter your closet and make it more functional.

There are so many ways to declutter your closet, and decluttering can be challenging, but reading books like "The Magic Of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo advises going through each item one by one, which is not what works for me. Still, after reading her book, I was inspired to let go of a little more. Another book that inspires me to let go is "The Joy Of Less" this should be able to get you motivated! (*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

When I was younger, I had so many clothes, I got hand-me-downs from my older cousin, and I loved to shop! I know how stressful and overwhelming it is to have so many clothes and nothing to wear. Nobody should have to fight with their clothes. It's not worth the stress of squeezing everything into overflowing drawers and stuffing them into your hanging rod, only to deal with creases whenever you need to find something to wear.

The feeling after decluttering your closet and saying goodbye to a few things in your closet you no longer need or wear can feel amazing. I know what you're thinking, "but Nicola, why would anyone want fewer clothes?". The answer is simple: Less decision fatigue, more white space in your closet, and an easy-to-find, grab-and-go style wardrobe that doesn't feel so stuffed. Getting rid of clothes you no longer wear can be liberating and make getting dressed in the morning much more effortless.

Decluttering is not a one size fits all type of endeavour, which is precisely why we thought it would be the perfect time to share some of our signature Space In The City Decluttering Methods. Trust me when I say you are going to want to schedule some time in your calendar this week to do this.

Title Our signature 6 step process to decluttering your closet like a pro

Our Signature 6 Step Process To Decluttering Your Closet Like A Pro

Here are some of our closet decluttering tips:

Step 1: Start with the end in mind, and always have an end goal

  • How do you want to feel in your closet?

  • Do you want to feel like shopping in your own boujee boutique?

  • Do you want your closet to feel like a sanctuary where you can come and close the door and have a cup of tea while reading a book?

  • Or enjoy a glass of champagne with the girls before a night out? 

  • Maybe you want to feel like you have more space in your closet and your goal is to donate 40%

Channelling this vision while decluttering can be one of the most significant ways to ensure that you will love the look and feel of your closet once you are finished with your decluttering efforts. 

Step 2: How many large bags can you fill? 

Aiming for 2-3 large bags is always a great place to start if you haven't decluttered in some time and are feeling overwhelmed. 

Now, grab your 3+ decluttering bags, lay them out in your bedroom and set the alarm on your phone for 20 minutes.

I have ADHD tendencies, so if I don't set a timer, I spend hours trying to get through this simple task and make an even bigger mess, leaving me too tired to finish! Click here to peek at the timer I use to keep me on task when decluttering my closet! 

Step 3: Consider your lifestyle 

When decluttering, I always start by analyzing my client's life.

For example;

  • Are they living at their cottage on the weekends or travelling to New York weekly for meetings?

  • Do they work out in the gym, or do they have a personal trainer who comes to their home?

  • Do they play tennis every other day?

  • Do they walk the dog or run errands?

  • What do they wear to work?

  • How often do they go out to dinner or cocktail parties?

See how some thought-provoking questions can help you navigate decluttering your wardrobe like a pro! For the long list of decluttering questions we use to navigate when working with our clients, click here to download our free prompt guide. 

step 4: Analyze your choices, remember the seasons & consider your day-to-day routine

Let's stop for a second here and take a cold hard look at your closet; time for a reality check, my friend. I've been in hundreds of closets, so I know you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear, but let's look at that. Why is this?

When you go shopping, do you shop for your fantasy self? Do you shop for clothes that you would love to wear? You've seen an outfit in a magazine and bought it, only to discover the colouring is not quite you, or your shape is different than theirs, so it's not something that you feel comfortable wearing and always skip by it when you are looking for something to wear.

If you currently work from home, but your closet is full of suits, you'll constantly be left feeling like you have nothing to wear.

The same thing goes for seasonal wear. There should be no winter coats or scarves in your closet if it's summer. 

Look at your wedding dress, shoes and shoe storage or any other item of clothing that you haven't worn or don't feel good in and find a better solution, one that you won't feel guilty about.

Eliminating the pieces that aren't serving a purpose in your everyday life can be one of the quickest ways to feel less overwhelmed by your closet! 

Declutter each category 

You just have to be ruthless. If you are reading this, I guess you are looking for quick tips for decluttering your closet but are struggling with where to start.

Let's take your office attire as an example; if you work from home now, this step is definitely for you!

Pull out all of your blazers and place them on your clothing rack or bed.

Ask yourself these questions: 

  • Do you have too many? 

  • Can you make a complete or several outfits from each one? 

  • When will you wear them next? 

Donating anything you no longer want or need to Dress for Success will have a small part to play in helping someone feel confident stepping into their next interview. 

Pro Tip: Don't be afraid to take this routine to all your other categories and start filling those big garbage bags for donating! 

Step 5: Store the pieces you are keeping but don't need every day

Finding space to store clothes that are not in use can be a challenge. But there's no point storing clothes that don't fit or dinner dresses in your closet if you only go for fancy dinners a few times a year.

Instead, find a second closet in your home, some clothing racks, or utilize the space in your basement to store your pieces on a rolling rack or within garment bags to keep them safe & protected while not in use. That should leave you ample space to set up a maintainable organizing system. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

Step 6: Donate 

This has to be our favourite part of decluttering any closet! It's time to take those large bags of unwanted clothes to your car's trunk and drive them to your favourite donation centre. They've served their purpose, and they're about to get a second chance at life with someone who needs them. You will feel great every time you open your closet door!

I know you are wondering why I am not telling you to sell your pre-loved clothes; frankly, it's a lot of effort for minimal return; clothes don't hold their value. Unless, of course, they are investment pieces.

There you have it! Our simple 6-step process to decluttering your closet like a pro! We hope you enjoyed this blog post & can't wait for you to put our closet decluttering method to work & fall in love with your closet again. 

P.S. Let us know when you last decluttered your clothes in the comments below!!

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