FAQ | Hiring a Professional Organizer

Some common questions answered by your Professional Organizer

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Frequently Asked Questions: Answered


1. Will you make me throw away all of my stuff when decluttering?

No chance! As much as that would help our job that is not how we roll! Your belongings are your belongings and it is nobody's place to tell you to get rid of them. We will offer support and advice and if necessary, we can create a "think about it" place to house your belongings until you make a concrete decision. You can always try our decluttering services for one day to dip your toe in, to see if it’s something you would benefit from.



2. Do you do all the organizing work for me?

You bet! It works better if you handle the items you want to keep or pass along. But, once this part of the project is complete, we mostly work alone or with the team to organize the space and create systems to help with maintenance in the future. On that note, we offer maintenance services also.



3. How much do you charge for home organizing services?

Check out our services page for an idea and then let’s set you up with a phone call, followed by an in in-home consultation contact us here.

4. How long will it take to get me organized?

When it comes to home organization, everybody's requirements are different depending on the size of your home, how quickly you are able to purge and how many items have built up over the years along with your decision-making abilitiy. I can tell you one thing, it takes longer than the TV shows make it look! If you are on a time deadline we can send in a team of Professional Organizers but if you would rather take your time and work one-on-one and take things slow, that is okay too.



5. I am a very private person and need utmost confidentiality.

You have come to the right place. We value the fact that you allow a stranger into your home and we treat everything with respect and confidentiality. If requested we can sign a waiver to ensure satisfaction and put your mind at ease.



6. What geographical area do you work in?

We work in the GTA, in the City of Toronto, Canada.


More questions were answered... (That you were afraid to ask)


What makes your organizing skills unique?

  • I offer a step-by-step program based on your organizing style. I create systems around your life and your movements throughout your day.

  • Getting mentally overwhelmed will no longer be part of your day to day existence. You will be more productive. You will have new methods to keep you on track. New organizing systems to keep you heading towards all those goals and dreams that you have.

  • My step-by-step organizing plan will blow you away! You will feel so refreshed and clear-headed afterward. You will finally have the organization tools to keep yourself motivated.


You will love your home and love your life again.


Your clutter will no longer be an issue, you will find a home for everything.



Signs you might need professional organizing services

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that has gathered in your home?

  • Does clutter make you feel stressed?

  • Are you "afraid" of your space?

  • Is your space making your feel sick and tired?

  • Is your lack of productivity negatively affecting all other areas of your life? i.e. Your marriage? Your children? Your business?

  • You want to be an organized person, so you are constantly trying to learn organizing tips on Pinterest, however, you still can't seem to get organized, right?

  • Do you feel like you go through periods of being organized some months? Then lose momentum other months?

  • Are you struggling to find your keys in the morning and get to work on time?

  • Is clutter fogging your ability to leave the house?

  • When you are away from home, are you always thinking of how you are going to start organizing when you get home? Once you open the door, you just don't know where to start?

  • Are you forgetting to pay bills which incur late fees?

  • Are you missing important appointments?

  • Are you buying too much food at the grocery store? Or another pair of shoes because you forgot you had a similar pair in a box at home?

  • Are you neglecting home repairs and maintenance?


What will happen if you continue living the way you are now?


Schedule a call today to make a change and get organized
