Goodbye Old, Hello New: 4 Decluttering Tips You Need To Know

Decluttering Tips

Can you believe it’s already 2023? Happy New Year Space In The City family! 

With January officially here, you may have caught the decluttering bug & have the sudden urge to purge. 

In this blog post, we’re sharing our top 4 decluttering tips that everyone and their mama should know in 2023. Trust us when we say, you are going to want to bookmark this blog post, send it to your best girlfriends, and save it for later. 

Before we jump into our juiciest decluttering tips, we thought it would be a good time to answer a few of our most asked decluttering related questions. 

How often should I be decluttering?

Each home is different, however we typically recommend decluttering seasonally. You would be surprised how much clutter can build up over just a few short months. 

Where can I donate the items I no longer need?

There are so many amazing places you can donate your gently used items to, here are a few of our go-to donation centres:

Now that we’ve got those out of the way, are you ready to jump into our top 4 decluttering tips? Let’s go! 

#1 Create a Decluttering Hit-List

What areas of your home are you hoping to declutter? Creating a list will not only give you a visual representation of what exactly needs to be done, but also feels amazing to check off as you go. 

#2 Set a Timer

For each area of your home that you are decluttering, set a 20 minute timer. Not only does this help you stay on task (especially if you have ADHD or ADHD tendencies like me), but for some odd reason it also helps you make the decision to keep, toss or donate an item faster. 

If you are looking for a good quality timer, this one is my personal favourite! 

#3 Aim to Fill 2-3 Large Donation Bags

You might be thinking that sounds like a lot, but you would be surprised how easy those 2-3 bags are to fill (especially if you haven’t decluttered for some time). A good rule of thumb when deciding whether to keep, toss or donate an item is to ask yourself these 3 questions: 

Have I used this item within the past year?
Does this item makes me happy?
Will I notice this item missing from my home if I were to donate it?  

If you answered no to any of these questions, chances are it might be time to part ways! 

#4 Donate 1 Item Each Day

Donating an item a day keeps the declutter away… that’s how the quote goes right? If you donate just one item each day, you’ll reach 365 items donated each year. That’s a lot of decluttering if you ask me!

Pro Tip: Take things one step further and donate an item (or two) for every new item brought into your home. Not only will this help you shop more intentionally, but will also keep your home clutter free all year long! 

When it comes to decluttering, there are millions of tips and tricks! These just happen to be our favourites.

If you get easily overwhelmed with the thought of decluttering, working with a professional home organizing team like Space In The City might be the perfect solution for you. Fill in our contact form here to connect with our team & schedule a complimentary connection call! We can’t wait to help you love the space you’re in again! 

Here’s to saying goodbye old, and hello new in 2023! 

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click one of them, I may receive a small commission (for which I am very grateful) at no extra cost to you.

Related Blog Post: 6 Steps to Decluttering Your Closet Like a Pro

Download Our Free Closet Decluttering Prompt List Here!

Nicola Masterson